Blokfløjten og guitaren er historisk set født i forskellige tidsperioder og efter forskellige klang idealer. Duo Oldrup/Lauridsens vision er at udnytte denne forskellighed og skabe et mangefacetteret lydbillede.
Deres repertoire omfatter barokmusik, blokfløjtens glansperiode, folkemusik, hvor guitaren spiller en stor rolle og den nye tonekunst, hvor begge instrumenter har fået en plads i den klassiske verden.
Duoen har spillet sammen i snart 10 år, har spillet koncerter i store dele af Danmark og uropført værker af bl.a. Anders Koppel og Ole Buck. I 2013 udgav de albummet “Eyktime”, som modtog god kritik fra anmeldere i Danmark, Tyskland og England.
Begge musikere er uddannet fra Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatorium og er aktive undervisere.
The recorder and guitar has historically been born in different periods of time and after different sound ideals. Duo Oldrup/Lauridsen's vision is to use this diversity and create a multifaceted sound.
Their repertoire includes baroque music, the glorious days of the recorder, folk music, where the guitar plays a major role and the contemporary music, where both instruments have gained a place in the world of classical music.
The duo has been playing together for almost 10 years, has played concerts in many parts of Denmark and made world premiere performances of Danish composers Anders Koppel and Ole Buck among others. In 2013 they released the album "Eyktime", which have been well received by the music press in Denmark, Germany and England.
Both musicians are educated from the Royal Danish Academy of Music and are active educators.